Temporary staffing, by nature, is a short-term relationship. Although the candidate will be at the company for a limited period of time, diligently interviewing the individual is as important as interviewing candidates for full-time positions. The temporary worker should have a good attitude, be ready to work and should reflect the positive attributes of the company. Whether full term or temporary, each position should be taken seriously.
Motivation and Dedication
It is important that the hired temporary worker does not see this assignment as something to do to pass time for a paycheck. The employee must be as dedicated to their work as full-time employees. An in-person interview with a candidate gives hiring managers the opportunity to gauge the temp’s motivation and dedication to the task at hand. A company must feel they can trust a temporary employee just as much as their full-time staff.
Aptness and Quick Wit
A temporary employee often fills in for another employee who has to go on emergency medical leave or maternity leave. As such, they will likely be picking up projects already in process. An interview with the temporary candidates will allow a company to see if she will be able to pick up where the other staffer left off. It is important that a temporary employee be able to hit the ground running, and not take weeks to catch up to speed. An interview scenario allows the interviewer to gauge the candidates’ reaction to certain scenarios, software programs and potential deadlines.
Personality Fit
Although the candidate is not a permanent hire, it is important that he mesh well with the company culture. An interview will give the company an opportunity to engage with all temporary staffing candidates and assess whose personality would be the best fit. Someone who is strong on paper is not necessarily someone who would fit well and work with others. A poor personality fit, even temporary, could have a negative impact on the full-time team members who have to work with the temporary staffer.
Bang for the Buck
Although the temporary employee is brought in to fill a specific role, an interview with the potential candidates will give the company an idea of what else this individual could bring to the table. For example, a company filling a role for a controller may find that the candidate also has strong accounting or administrative skills. There may be other tasks the temporary employee could pick up beyond the foreseen role. An interview with each candidate allows the company to assess not just what candidate is best for the position, but what candidate can go above and beyond the anticipated needs.
by Laura Kalinowski, Demand Media