Whenever you embark on a job or career change, you hope to be able to use at least some, if not all, of your current skills. Talents and abilities you can take from job to job, or use in multiple careers, are called transferable skills. Use the transferable skills list that follows to help you discover yours. It is categorized into six broad areas: basic, people, management, clerical, research and planning, and technical skills.

It does not include the hard skills that allow you to perform your particular job, although they could be transferable between occupations.

Go through this list and copy the skills you have to your own list. You may have acquired them through jobs, education, apprenticeships, internships, formal and informal training, hobbies and volunteer experiences. Then add skills that aren’t included here, including your hard skills, to your personal list. Having everything written down in one place will allow you to assess your marketability to potential employers as well as determine if there are any gaps you must address with additional training.

It will also provide a good starting point when you begin to write your resume.

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