Many of the questions that employers ask at job interviews will be standard interview questions. If you interview frequently, these questions will grow quite familiar. Since it’s so likely that these questions will come up, it’s important to be prepared to respond to them.

You don’t need to memorize an answer, but do review these common interview questions so you know what you’ll be asked and have an idea of how you will respond. This advance preparation will help you feel more confident and less on the spot during the interview.

Top 20 Interview Questions

Review the top 20 interview questions you’ll most likely be asked at a job interview, plus the best answers. Also, review the other questions you may be asked, so you’re prepared to ace the interview.

  1. What were your responsibilities? – Best Answers
  2. What did you like or dislike about your previous job? – Best Answers
  3. What were your starting and final levels of compensation? – Best Answers


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