It should go without saying that recruiters and hiring managers prefer to speak with a job seeker who can hold a two-way conversation. When the discussion becomes uneven, and you find yourself talking way too much about your cats, it’s time to bring the conversation back by asking your interviewer thoughtful, relevant questions.

Career experts agree that job seekers often miss the mark when a hiring manager asks, “Do you have any questions for me?” This is your chance to make an impression by asking things that the interviewer may not be expecting, but at the same time won’t make them uncomfortable.

It’s probably best to avoid questions that are obviously trying to be funny or fish for answers that should have been uncovered in pre-interview research. So … try not to ask if the interviewer is a “Harry Potter” or “Twilight” person.

Research before the interview is key
Ron Fry, public education improvement advocate and author of “101 Smart Questions to Ask on Your Interview,” says that there are key components to look for prior to any interview with a potential employer. These topics include: company history; major competitors and how this company compares in size, products or services; large customers; and the latest company news. This information can all be obtained through a simple Google search or a look at the organization’s website.

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