Starting a new job often comes with a lot of additional concerns for which you may not have bargained. From learning people’s names and getting used to a new routine to setting up your benefits and completing necessary training, there’s a lot demanding your attention aside from your basic job duties.
So with all these extra things to worry about, how are you supposed to make a name for yourself around the office as a top performer as well? Here are five key steps to being a star worker by the end of your first year on the job.
Keep learning
During the hiring process, you probably learned a lot about the company – and just because you got the job doesn’t mean you should stop. A clear understanding of your new surroundings is an essential starting point for becoming a standout performer.
“Pinning down the major problems and opportunities facing your organization presents vital clues about career success,” says John Lees, career expert and author of “How to Get a Job You Love.” “Work out who the key people are in the organization – the people who may make decisions about your future. Spot the people who can make your job easier, or can make it hell. If procedures seem odd or flawed, run with them temporarily. Don’t inadvertently make life enemies now. Seek out information brokers – the people who know how the machine works, but also identify future work partners, especially key people in HR, IT and finance.”