On March 2, we’re inviting you to take the Find Your Calling assessment and reveal your results on social media using #FindYourCallingDay.

When I was in high school, I didn’t really have a clue about what career I wanted to pursue, and I didn’t think it mattered much at that point. I was planning to go to college, and I just assumed I’d figure it out from there.

Yet the reality is that deciding on a career path isn’t easy: Just because you know what you like and are good at, it doesn’t mean you understand how that translates into a career. Plus, it only gets harder and more stressful to figure it out as you get closer to entering the workforce. It would’ve been incredibly valuable to have more resources at my disposal at a younger age to help me connect the dots between my strengths and viable career options.

That’s why CareerBuilder joined together with Economic Modeling Specialists Intl. to create Find Your Calling, a website that puts data science and helpful insights behind choosing careers. Visitors to the site take a simple, interactive personality test, and based on those answers, are presented with top careers that match their interests.

Join us for #FindYourCallingDay on March 2
CareerBuilder wants to get the word out about this powerful career tool and help as many people as possible to find their calling.

On March 2, we’re inviting schools, businesses and community groups across the U.S. to take the Find Your Calling assessment and reveal their results to their friends on social media using the #FindYourCallingDay hashtag.

Based on the results shared on March 2, we’ll create online networking events to help connect people who have found their calling in the same industry, as well as share stories from professionals who are currently working in that industry.

Help spread the news about #FindYourCallingDay to your friends, family members and colleagues. If you’re interested in hosting an event yourself, we’ll supply you with everything you need to make it a success. To learn more about the day, how you can participate and to register your event, visit http://findyourcallingday.com/.

With your help, more young people will find the careers that they love. And who knows – maybe you’ll discover your true career match too.

Check out this video to see why you should join the #FindYourCallingDay movement.

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