Be memorable in an interview – for the right reasons.

The success or failure of a job interview doesn’t rest solely with the answers you give the hiring manager. The questions you ask can also speak volumes.

In a recent Robert Half survey, human-resources managers recounted the most unusual or surprising question they’ve received from a job seeker during an interview. Some of the highly questionable queries included:

  • “Do I have to be at work every day?”
  • “Would you consider going on a date with me?”
  • “Can I have three weeks off every three months to pursue my music career?”
  • “Can my husband finish this test for me?”
  • “Is the boss single?”
  • “Do you want to take a ride in my new car?”
  • “Can you help me search for an apartment?”
  • “What job is this for?”

Peculiar or presumptuous inquiries such as these can quickly undermine an otherwise solid interview performance. On the other hand, posing intelligent and informed questions shows the interviewer you’re a serious candidate while also helping you to determine if the role is right for you.

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