Get insight into the candidate selection and hiring process by learning common terms employers and recruiters use.

When it comes to finding their next employee, employers speak a whole different language. While you may be familiar with many of the terms below, others may be foreign to you. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with these common terms employers and recruiters use when searching for their next employee. The ability to “speak the language” can give you better insight into their process and a better idea of what you need to do to break through.

Applicant tracking system (ATS): When you apply for a job online, chances are your information is going right into an applicant tracking system (ATS). An ATS is software employers use to help them filter and file the many resumes they receive. Most systems are designed to quickly scan resumes for relevant information, and identify the resumes that are the closest match for the job description. Job seekers can design their resumes to past an ATS using tactics such as including keywords and customizing their resume to match the job they want.

Background check: Employers use background checks to verify the information a job applicant provides, as well as to check references, credit history, criminal records and more. Not every employer runs background checks and the extent to which they do will vary by company, industry and/or role.

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