Trouble landing a job

As frustrating as not getting hired may be, there is a solution. And it starts with identifying the “why.”

It’s been months. You’ve applied to dozens of jobs — and maybe even gone on a few interviews — but you still haven’t received a job offer. What gives?

Even with the job market improving in recent years, this is likely a familiar scenario for many job seekers. And as easy as it may be to blame your lack of success on the economy or a particularly picky hiring manager, you are ultimately responsible for your job search success.

And as frustrating as not getting hired may be, there is a solution. And it starts with identifying the “why.”

Below are the top job search mistakes applicants make and how to fix them and land your dream job:

You’re not putting in the time. Many experts assert that finding a job is a full-time job. So make sure you’re putting in the hours. If you’re currently unemployed, job-hunting is your full-time job. Make sure you’re allotting a work-week’s worth of hours to pursing the job search in some capacity — whether that’s editing your resume, applying to jobs, networking or going on interviews.

If you are currently employed, it’s not feasible to spend 40-hours a week looking for a new position. Instead, carve out time either in the early morning or after work to devote to job-searching tasks.

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