Many students turn to the worlds of retail, customer service, and hospitality during their college careers. These jobs offer flexible hours, which means they can earn money at night and on the weekends when they’re not studying.

It can be hard to land a job while you’re a student. Not only do you lack the skills to enter your chosen career field, but you can’t accept full-time work because it would interfere with your class schedule and study time. If you’re looking to make extra money when you’re in school, make sure you highlight these four skills on your resume to get hired.

Work your way through school debt-free with these 4 skills


The ability to communicate professionally is one of the best skills you can hone regardless of your industry and skill level. Even some top CEOs at Fortune 500 companies lack quality communication skills, which puts them at a disadvantage when working with their peers.

Employers want to make sure you’ll treat customers professionally. When situations get stressful, they need to know that you’ll clearly and calmly work with customers to find a solution. Employers also want to know that you’ll be able to communicate any potential problems with them so they can solve these issues early on.

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