As you boldly move forward in your job search, make sure you’re avoiding these signs that wreak of desperation.

Job hunting can feel like a full-time job itself, and it’s easy to get discouraged and try to settle — but don’t. CareerBuilder’s midyear job forecast shows that in the second half of 2017, 60 percent of employers plan to hire full-time, permanent workers (which is up from 50 percent last year). So a stronger job market means you should be hopeful that your next great job is around the corner. But as you boldly move forward in your job search, make sure you’re avoiding these signs that wreak of desperation.

  • You follow up too frequently. We know: Employers don’t have a great record when it comes to being responsive during the hiring process. In fact, CareerBuilder’s recent Candidate Experience Study found that the biggest frustration for job seekers is a lack of response from employers — cited by 52 percent of all job seekers. Additionally, 81 percent of job seekers say employers communicating continuous status updates would greatly improve their overall candidate experience. So you’re not alone in your frustration. However, appearing overly eager (and even coming across as annoying) can get on their nerves. Be cautious when exercising the balance between being diligent with follow-ups and going overboard. Try these tips to follow up the right way.

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