The following job-search tips can help you get the most out of your time and efforts during your search.

Submitting applications left and right? Not getting as many responses as you thought you would? Feel like applying is itself a full-time position? When you’re on the job hunt, it feels good to be busy. But constantly working isn’t always the same as being productive. The following job-search tips can help you get the most out of your time and efforts during your search.

Apply for jobs that interest you

Instead of a scattergun approach, you should be targeting specific jobs — the ones you actually can see yourself doing. Applying for a position that doesn’t interest you may work out in the end, but more often than not your lack of enthusiasm will come across on paper and during the interview. And even if you get offered the job, your intuition may tell you to turn it down. This is a time-waster for you and the hiring manager. In the long run, going after a job just to have one could set you back to square one — and back in the search sooner than you’d like.

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