Ditch the behaviors that annoy hiring managers most – or your next job interview could be over before it even begins.

From showing up late to forgetting a copy of your resume, to accidentally calling your potential boss by the wrong name, there are a lot of things that can go wrong in a job interview. While most hiring managers are willing to overlook these and other minor mishaps, there are some things they won’t forgive.

CareerBuilder recently released a survey of the biggest interview mistakes employers say job candidates make – both in terms of overt behaviors and in the signals their body language gives off – that can be instant disqualifiers. Do yourself a favor and avoid making any of these common behavioral or body language mistakes in your next job interview.

The Top 5 Job Interview Behaviors to Avoid

Mistake #1: Lying. It should go without saying that lying during an interview is a huge no-no. Yet, candidates still do it, and when they get caught, it’s enough for 66 percent of hiring managers to immediately remove them from consideration.

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