There are some simple things you can do in a short amount of time to ensure that you’re confident from the moment the interview begins.

Things that take around five minutes to accomplish: making popcorn, showering, ordering coffee (depending on the line), paying a bill online and prepping for an interview. Yep, that’s right. There are some simple things you can do in a short amount of time to ensure that you’re confident from the moment the interview begins.

Here are five ways to prep for an interview in five minutes:

1. Select a winning outfit
First impressions are important, and your appearance is part of the first impression you make on hiring managers. It only takes a few minutes to pick out an outfit, but what you choose can actually speak to the type of worker you may be. According to a CareerBuilder survey, when asked to advise job seekers on the best color to wear to a job interview, employers most often recommended blue (23 percent) and black (15 percent). Not only did orange top the list of the worst color to wear, but it was also most likely to be associated with someone who is unprofessional.

Also consider factors such as fit, accessories and other elements of your appearance (nails, polished shoes, etc.). You want to stand out, but you don’t want it to be because of a bad outfit choice.

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