If you’re in the market for a new job, this may be the time to make your move, according to CareerBuilder’s Q4 job forecast.

If you’re in the market for a new job, this may be the time to make your move, according to CareerBuilder’s Q4 job forecast.

Here are three takeaways from the forecast:

1. Full-time, permanent hiring is up from last year. In Q3 2017, 44 percent of employers added full-time, permanent headcount while 8 percent decreased headcount, both improvements over the previous year. This positive trend is expected to continue with 43 percent of employers planning to hire new employees in the fourth quarter, up from 34 percent last year. Seven percent expect to reduce staff, down from 9 percent last year, while 47 percent anticipate no change and 3 percent are unsure.

2. Seasonal hiring increases, along with pay. Looking across industries, 35 percent of employers are planning to have extra hands on deck to help with increased demands over the holidays, wrap up the year or ramp up for 2018. Of those hiring, 70 percent expect to hire some seasonal workers for full-time, permanent roles, up from 62 percent last year and up from 42 percent three years ago.

Employers across industries are also prepared to pay a higher premium for seasonal talent. Of those hiring seasonal workers, 45 percent will pay $15 or more per hour. Top areas they will be hiring seasonal staff for include: