Looking for a new job? Pick up your phone. These mobile apps can help you get to the next step in your career.

You’re already using your smart phone to shop, play games, get news updates and avoid your family during holiday get-togethers – why not use it to advance your career as well? From building an eye-catching resume to building your professional network, the following mobile apps are designed to help you take the next step so you can get to the next level in your career.

Find your calling.

Pathsource: Pathsource helps you find the career that’s right for you based on various personality assessments and tests. One key feature is the Lifestyle Assessment, which determines the ideal salary needed to support the lifestyle you lead (or want to lead). From there, it recommends various careers that both match your career interests and have average salaries that support your lifestyle.

Good&Co: With the goal of bringing “greater happiness and meaning to your career,” Good&Co uses fun quizzes and personality assessments to help users discover their unique skills and strengths. It then draws from thousands of company profiles to match them with companies and positions that align with these attributes.

Build your resume.

Resume Star: With Resume Star, you just fill in your information and the app produces a clean, correctly formatted PDF resume you can email directly, post online or print out. The app is free to download and use, but the developers ask that you submit a payment once you get an interview (or better yet, a job).

VisualCV Resume Builder: Whether you need a completely new resume or to enhance an existing one, this user-friendly app has you covered. With VisualCB, you can import and modify an existing resume in Word or PDF or use the Basic or Visual Editor to build a new one from a variety of templates.

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