Even if you love your job or just started at a new company, you should always be on the lookout for the next great gig.

Having a great job is one of the best feelings in the world. The job search process paid off, and you’re thrilled by all the challenges and accomplishments your new role has to offer. What can you say? You love your job, and looking for a new job is the last thing on your mind.

But it shouldn’t be.

“Never say never to opportunity,” says Dawn Boyer, consultant at D. Boyer Consulting in Virginia Beach. “Regardless of how long you have been in your current job, if something comes along that is more your passion and at the right salary level—regardless of whether you have been with the current company six weeks or six years—you want to be ready.”

Don’t wait until you actually need to start a job search. Follow these tips to be ready for awesome job opportunities ’round the clock.

Double down on job alerts

Imagine if you could have an assistant working for you, for free, around the clock, presenting you with only the best job opportunities, personalized exactly to your interests and experience.

You can! They’re called job alerts, and like your refrigerator, they should always be running.

“How will you land your dream job in a dream company without your dream radar switched on?” asks John Sattler, a certified personnel consultant and resume writer at Career Solutions in Tampa, Florida. “Think of the job-alerts function as your radar that monitors the internet, 24/7, searching for your dream job.”

If you’re in a sweet position that you like just fine, fine-tune your job alerts to align with your ultimate dream jobs. That way, your alerts feature jobs that are your absolute top choices.

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