Get a better understanding of what exactly an employer is looking for, and use those insights to put some extra shine on your job application.

If you’ve been searching Monster job postings for a golden career opportunity, you don’t have to look too far for a helping hand. Job descriptions themselves offer valuable guidance on how you can best position yourself as a strong, competitive candidate.

Job descriptions can vary from company to company—even if you’re searching for one particular job title—so you have to know how to interpret the information in front of you. First tip: Note the keywords used and be sure to use the same words in your application materials.

For more, we asked career experts which parts of the job description are most important and can help lead you to a signed offer letter.

The company description

Why it’s important: It helps you learn more about the company culture and how well it synchs with your personality.

A company describes itself as it wants to be seen, and from that, you can get clues as to what the company values, what you should research, and what kinds of questions you should ask in an interview.

For example, if a company describes itself as a rapidly growing athletic brand for busy millennials, you can infer that the company sees itself as energetic, youthful, and poised for success. If that matches your personality, then describe yourself similarly in your cover letter.

Once you score an interview, investigate the financial health of the sporting goods industry, design trends, millennial buying habits, and competitors. Use what you learn to write up some interview questions that demonstrate you’ve done your homework.

“Doing some research about the business, the particular position, or learning about the company’s customer base, challenges, interests, direction, etc., are all very good practices because it allows the applicant to understand the business better from the perspective of the company,” says Stephanie Troiano, executive recruiter of The Hire Talent, a pre-employment assessment company in Brea, California. “I’ve found that companies really appreciate when candidates take their time to do research and then can ask good, thoughtful questions about their business.”

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