Here are some tips to help you stay on track and land a job.

Let’s face it – no job search is a walk in the park. But some job searches are more frustrating than others, especially those that last a long time. So, how do you stay motivated during a job hunt that seems to drag on forever?

Here are some tips to help you stay on track and get that job:

Change things up
“If what you’ve been doing is not bringing you good results, replace or add in new job search activities or methods,” suggests Laurie Berenson, founder of Sterling Career Concepts. For instance, if the only tactic you’ve been using is applying to jobs online, expand your strategies to include networking. “Reconnect with your network or start attending professional association meetings or mixers,” Berenson says. “Reach out to alumni of your college … You’ll see an uptick in new activity that will motivate you to keep going.”

Stick to a schedule
Cheryl E. Palmer, certified career coach and owner of Call to Career, says creating structure will keep you motivated. “Map out your day and your week so that you have specific activities that you plan to accomplish at specific times,” she recommends. For instance, you might spend the first couple of hours each day searching for jobs on job boards, then spend the next few hours connecting with people on professional networking sites, then spend the afternoon researching companies of interest and applying to jobs. Then one day a week, plan to attend a networking event.

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