So you’re a little bit late for a job interview. Or your phone keeps beeping with texts while you’re there. Or your shoes look a little scruffy. No one will notice, right?

But although those things might not seem like a big deal in every day life, they stand out to prospective employers. Remember, that they’re in scrutinizing mode. Every little thing, from the way you greet them to what you wear to how you end the interview is being processed whether consciously or subconsciously.

So yes, when you’re looking for a job, the little things really do matter. Never underestimate the power of thoughtfulness. A well written thank you note or a bit of pre-interview preparation can mean the difference between getting hired or not. Here are some ways to make sure you have good job interview etiquette.

Arrive on Time
This should be a no-brainer. Arriving late, even if it’s five minutes, sends a strong message to the employer that you’re unreliable. Yes, sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that cause you to be late, even when you’ve allotted plenty of time. Bad traffic, flat tire, alien invasions. In those cases, you chalk it up to bad luck and hope you can win points in other areas during the interview.

But most of the time, you should always aim to get to an interview at least 15 minutes early. This gives you a chance to pull your thoughts together and contend with a little traffic if necessary.

Look Professional
Even if you’re not sure about the company’s dress code, always opt for professional attire during an interview. The employees might be dressed for the beach, but YOU’RE not an employee. Showing up for in an interview in shorts and flip-flops only shows that you’re not serious, about the job or anything else.

Pay attention to details. No matter how nice your suit is, if your nails are ragged, your shoes are shabby or your hair is untidy, you’re going to look like you can’t quite pull it together. Taking time to think about your appearance shows respect for the position as well as the employer.

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